Monday Morning Musings (aka Sunday Afternoon Ramblings, Monday edition)

Another great Sunday at Debra Heights Wesleyan is in the books, and there are so many things to talk about that I hardly know where to start! So I guess we’ll tackle things in the order that they happened.

I walked into the church for the second time of the day a couple of minutes before 9 to find our greeters in place and on the job. What an awesome thing to come into church and be engaged right off the bat by people who were glad I was there. (Granted, I’m the pastor, but it was really great to watch as this same warm welcome was extended to everyone who came through the door.) And what a fortuitous day for the greeters to be on their game! We had a number of guests come through, including a gentleman from The Sudan who indicated that he hoped to be back in the near future! Well done, greeters! If you want to get involved with this exciting new opportunity, just contact me and we’ll get you up to speed.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned out excellent Sunday School team for a couple of weeks, so I think I’ll take just a second to do that today. As I wandered through the church yesterday morning, I found myself thinking, over and over, that our team is second to none. Do we have our weaknesses? Sure. But overall, we have a great team, and it’s so much fun for me, as a pastor, to listen to the life-changing conversations that are going on in each of the classes.

Adoration did great yesterday, even with two of its members sidelined by allergies. I say this every week, but it’s truly because I wholly believe that they bring so much to our worship. Each member of Adoration willingly sacrifices an hour or two each week to come together and practice so that they will be ready to lead in song on Sunday mornings.

Pastor Sharon’s message, of course, was also awesome. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday does indeed beg the question: will he be just a prophet or a “messiah” who simply excuses you from the consequences of sin? Or will he be the savior who cleanses you of your sin and becomes Lord of your life? Who will Jesus be to you?

So the morning services were awesome. Small group last night was a lot of fun, too. Thanks to Norma W for bringing cake and Nicole for making brownies!

So that’s it for the services yesterday. Before closing, though, I want to take just a moment to thank Donna A. She didn’t sign up to clean the church, but she did it anyway simply because it needed to be done. Thank you!

And finally, a couple of things that are coming down the road. First, this week is Holy Week (i.e., the week leading up to Easter). Don’t forget our schedule changes for the week. Thursday night, between 6 and 8 pm, we’ll be holding a Come & Go Communion service at the church. Our Good Friday service will start at noon Friday. And then, on Sunday, we’ll be having a pot-luck breakfast starting at 8 am and followed by Sunday School at 9:15a and worship at 10:30a. I look forward to seeing everyone at each of these things!

Also, farther down the road, we have two very important events coming up that I want everyone to start thinking about. The first is that we’ll be holding a block party probably toward the end of May. We’ve got some crazy ideas for this, and it’s going to be an awesome chance for us to reach out into our community and have some fun. We’re going to need lots of help organizing and promoting it! So be listening for details. And the second is that Vacation Bible School is also coming up. We’re going to be looking for teachers and helpers, decorators and more, so be in prayer about what you can do. And also be telling the kids you know about it! Again, exact dates have not yet been determined. So be listening for more details on both of these upcoming events!

And I guess that’s all for now! Remember, Easter is a perfect opportunity to invite friends, family, and even perfect strangers to church! Have a blessed week, and be a blessing to someone who needs a touch from God today!

1 Response to “Monday Morning Musings (aka Sunday Afternoon Ramblings, Monday edition)”

  1. 1 Keith March 30, 2010 at 3:41 am

    It was a great Sunday!

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